One of the undeniable advantages of doing business with a real estate broker is certainly collaboration and networking among brokers. There are more than 15,000 Realtors in Quebec who have the opportunity to work together to sell  properties for their clients. This is particularly necessary in a market where most buyers come from outside of our region. The business model of Team Bourgon is based, among other things, on the relationships we have with our colleagues from all franchises and regions. So we feed close links with our colleagues at various levels; new medias have certainly contributed to networking. With social networks like Facebook or Twitter, we have over 1,500 links with brokers across Canada and around the world in addition to our LinkedIn and Google+ accounts. For each new listing, our network is immediately alerted. If a video is produced, it is posted on YouTube and available to all our colleagues. Photo albums and updates of our properties are also posted through these networks. In recent years, we can directly attribute a portion of our transactions to those virtual networks. But beyond the 'virtual', there are humans; Our colleagues are quick to suggest our properties as we offer a competitive sharing of compensation; an attractive commission rate that ensures somewhat encouraging their efforts!
In addition to sharing a tantalizing, Team Bourgon is constantly innovating with different activities during which we invite our colleagues from all banners and regions. For example, we received in July for the third consecutive year, several brokers for a cruise aboard the Grand Cru. In total, 300 people responded to the invitation of Team Bourgon over the years. At the microphone, Richard was exposing a state of the market in the region, while revealing the secrets of the most impressive residences of Lake Memphremagog and highlights about our own listings (such as those of the Villas de l'Anse). We also organize, from time to time, broker tours & cocktails where our colleagues are invited to discover our various listings. All of these initiatives involve time and expenses but we believe it is essential in order to maintain relationships with our peers and competitors for the benefit of our customers!
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